We’ve included some of our popular communication services and programs below. The list is not exhaustive, and we’d welcome an opportunity to speak with you about your particular communication needs and any custom services or programs you might want to explore!

Influencing key decision makers
This suite of programs facilitate an ability to influence people in the workplace by helping people understand how influence and persuasion function, helping incorporate fundamental elements that build compelling messages, and helping enhance critical thinking about the kinds of information decision makers need to make informed, intelligent decisions that green light important proposals, plans or projects.

Delivering effective presentations & briefings
You’re never more visible in an organization than when presenting information to bosses or customers. And, you can never separate the message from the messenger. CCG programs enhance both your ability to deliver clear, coherent messages as well as your ability to control your non-verbal and vocal communication as the messenger when delivering a presentation or briefing.
Enhancing Visual Communications
• Most of an iceberg remains visually hidden. Visuals typically communicate more information than bullet points can convey. Even though research suggests most people assimilate information visually, most presenters surmise that people come to a presentation and enjoy reading pages of bullets. Our programs help develop an ability to create and generate powerful visual aids that help tap into the human visual center so your audiences can better learn and assimilate information you want to share.

Leading effective, productive meetings
Organizations waste 30-50% of employees’ time because of poorly managed meetings. Programs facilitate meeting leader’s ability to run more effective meetings, increase meeting productivity, and reduce wasted time.

Enhancing interpersonal communication abilities
Programs facilitate ability to communicate more effectively in small group settings, one-to-one situations, job interviewing and performance review interviews.

Writing efficiently & effectively
We offer several programs that facilitate the ability to communicate more effectively via reports, plans, documents, emails, memos, blogs and other written communication products.
Communication Consulting Group
Pittsburgh & Washington, DC Metropolitan Areas
Phone: 1-412-315-6036
Email: inquiry@ccg-usa.com
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